A-B-C you at the Spelling Bee! City Hall, Fire, Police, and Stockert to participate in annual competition benefiting the Upshur Arts Alliance on Friday, Jan. 25

BUCKHANNON, WV: On Friday, January 25, four teams from the City of Buckhannon will compete against 30+ other organizations in an epic battle to determine the best spelling team in the area! Teams representing Buckhannon City Hall, Buckhannon Fire Department, Buckhannon Police Department, and Stockert Youth & Community Center are geared up and ready for the challenge. City Hall, aka, the “City Slickers”, took second place last year to Daya Wright’s Law Firm. We want revenge!
Come out and watch all of the teams compete while enjoying some sweet treats and refreshing beverages. All proceeds benefit the Upshur County Arts Alliance, which supports the Augusta Youth Ballet, Buckhannon Chamber Orchestra, Buckhannon Choral Society, Buckhannon Community Theatre, and Artistry on Main. Founded in 1982, the non-profit organization also provides scholarships to two Buckhannon-Upshur High School graduates who strive to become artists or art educators.
The City of Buckhannon recognizes the value of the arts to our community and actively supports cultural initiatives in the area, with the Spelling Bee as an annual highlight.
For more information about the 2019 Spelling Bee and the Upshur Arts Alliance, go to www.upshurartsalliance.org.
To learn more about arts in the area, visit https://buckhannonwv.org/we-support-the-arts/.
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/363838541024885/