Alpha Delta Kappa Day celebrates educators & philanthropy!

Whereas, ALPHA DELTA KAPPA the international organization for women educators was founded in the summer of 1954 & now has 33 active chapters in West Virginia with 1,125 members; and,
Whereas, the Kappa Chapter comprised of women educators was organized & members were initiated in Clarksburg on October 9, 1959; and,
Whereas, ALPHA DELTA KAPPA is dedicated to educational excellence, altruism, world understanding, & recognition of outstanding women educators;
Whereas, ALPHA DELTA KAPPA supports numerous benevolent & philanthropic purposes including the Julia Kovach Memorial Project, Camp Kno Koma for children with diabetes, the St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital, & the Alzheimer’s Association; and,
Whereas, ALPHA DELTA KAPPA’s major goals are to build a fraternal fellowship among educators contributing to their effectiveness in promoting excellence in education, to establish high standards of education, & to promote educational & charitable projects & activities thereby enriching the lives of individuals everywhere & assisting these individuals into happy, constructive, & fulfilling lives while sponsoring scholarships at the state & chapter levels to contribute to professional development; and,
Whereas, our City now desires to recognize ALPHA DELTA KAPPA’s members for their many outstanding contributions to our community during their month of celebration in October.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. McCAULEY, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power & authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim Wednesday, October 30, 2019 to be “ALPHA DELTA KAPPA DAY” throughout our City of Buckhannon.
I further urge all of our residents to thank & commend ALPHA DELTA KAPPA & all of their members for their many contributions to education, the advancement & recognition of women educators, & philanthropic support efforts during their most special day.
Given under my hand & the official
The City of Buckhannon, this 30th day of October, 2019
David W. McCauley, Mayor