Buckhannon Volunteer Center welcomes Gabriella Sayger!

August 23, 2019
BUCKHANNON, WV: Do you want to help out in your community? Local nonprofit organizations and people looking to get involved in service projects will have a new Volunteer Center Coordinator to help them get connected this fall!
Gabriella Sayger joined the Buckhannon Volunteer Center on Monday and will be supporting volunteerism in the area. In the role, Sayger will work with the City to host the second annual Community & Kindness Day on October 5, assist volunteers and nonprofit leaders navigate the digital volunteer database, and plan and present volunteer training opportunities.
Sayger grew up in Parkersburg, West Virginia and is currently finishing her undergraduate degree at West Virginia Wesleyan College. She plans to attend law school following graduation in the spring. Sayger is President of the Alpha Gamma Delta fraternity, Events Coordinator for Her Campus magazine, and a First Generation Mentor for students who are the first in their family to attend college.
When asked why someone who has never volunteered before should consider volunteering, Sayger responded, “Whether you want to make connections, are passionate about a cause or causes, or just like to help out, volunteering can do so much for yourself, and others in your community!”
Sayger’s normal office hours will be:
Tuesday 8:30 a.m. to 10:30; and 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.; and,
Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at Buckhannon City Hall, 70 E. Main Street, Buckhannon, WV 26201. These hours may fluctuate to meet the needs of service organizations’ meeting times and to participate in special events.
The Buckhannon Volunteer Center is dedicated to connecting individuals who wish to volunteer with organizations in the area who need help. These organizations are often serving vulnerable populations and working to make a difference in our community. Through our website and volunteer management database, we aim to make it easier for these groups to connect and to simplify the process–whether you represent an organization that needs volunteers or are an individual looking to help out.
Businesses can get involved by registering employee teams: the volunteer center provides a valuable tool to connect your staff with service opportunities, allowing companies to meet social responsibility goals.
Real estate agents may find value in the Buckhannon Volunteer Center, as it opens the doors for new residents to meet friends and connect with organizations and causes they care about.
The Buckhannon Volunteer Center is a grant-funded program through Volunteer West Virginia and the Volunteer Generation Fund.
Interested volunteers and organizations may reach out to Gabby by calling City Hall at (304) 472-1651 or by emailing BA.volunteer@buckhannonwv.org. Watch for Buckhannon Volunteer Center news and updates and sign up for the BVC Newsletter at www.buckhannonwv.org/volunteer.
Callie Cronin Sams, callie.csams@buckhannonwv.org