Celebrating Women’s History Month: Joyce Stockert

February 27, 2020
BUCKHANNON, WV: In celebration of Women’s History Month, the City of Buckhannon will remember the contributions of Joyce Stockert to our community with a dedication at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 5, in front of Stockert Youth & Community Center.
Before her passing in 1994, Stockert left $500,000 to establish a community center for children. Ever since, Stockert Youth & Community Center has provided a safe place for children to enjoy their time after school while their parents finish work, to spend summer days with field trips to the Upshur County Pool and the Wildlife Center, and to participate in numerous sports leagues and events.
Thank you, Joyce Stockert! You are an amazing figure in our community’s history! Please join us next Thursday if you are able.