Charlie Riffle & Melvin Smith retire from Streets & Parks Department; thank you for your many years of commitment to the City!
Official proclamations announced at the Buckhannon City Council Meeting, held on Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Charlie Riffle

Whereas, “CHARLES D. “CHARLIE” RIFFLE. has faithfully, honorably, & excellently served The City of Buckhannon for nearly 20 years having commenced his long tenure with our City in April of 2000, & has served for many years as a crew leader & highly skilled contributor for our City Streets & Parks Department; and,
Whereas, MR. RIFFLE has served our City during many important initiatives, playing a very important role in our City’s expansion of ADA friendliness through our many sidewalk projects, parks’ expansion & particularly Jawbone Park, our River Walk Trail development, & street paving projects, establishing Buckhannon as one of the most welcoming & aesthetically appealing communities in all of West Virginia; and,
Whereas, CHARLIE RIFFLE has announced his well-earned retirement from his long tenure with our City of Buckhannon effective June 30, 2019; and,
Whereas, our City government now desires to formally recognize CHARLIE RIFFLE’S long commitment to the advancement of our City’s Streets & Parks’ Department during his two decades of service, & further to express our City’s most heartfelt appreciation for his leadership & many substantial contributions that have helped establish our City as one of the very finest & most outstanding communities in West Virginia, while wishing him, his wife Darla, their children, David & Christie, & their grandsons, Landon, Holden, & Hudson- the very best during CHARLIE’s much deserved retirement.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. McCAULEY, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power & authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim Tuesday, June 18, 2019, to be “CHARLIE RIFFLE DAY” throughout our City of Buckhannon.
I further urge all of our community’s residents to join me, CHARLIE RIFFLE’S family, our City Council, the members of our Streets & Parks’ Department, & all of our City employees in expressing their most heartfelt thanks & appreciation for CHARLIE RIFFLE’S most excellent service to our community & in wishing him the very best in his retirement. May CHARLIE RIFFLE enjoy many happy years to come- hunting, fishing, & playing with his beloved grandsons!
Given under my hand & the official seal of
The City of Buckhannon, this 18th day of June, 2019
David W. McCauley, Mayor

Melvin Smith

Whereas, MELVIN SMITH has faithfully, honorably, & excellently served The City of Buckhannon for nearly a decade having commenced his service with our City in April of 2010, & has served for several years as a skilled contributor for our City Streets & Parks Department; and,
Whereas, MR. SMITH has served our City during many important initiatives, playing a very important role in our City’s expansion of ADA friendliness through our many sidewalk projects, parks’ expansion & particularly Jawbone Park, our River Walk Trail development, & street paving projects, establishing Buckhannon as one of the most welcoming & aesthetically appealing communities in all of West Virginia; and,
Whereas, MELVIN SMITH has announced his well-earned retirement from his long tenure with our City of Buckhannon effective in June, 2019; and,
Whereas, our City government now desires to formally recognize MELVIN SMITH’S commitment to the advancement of our City’s Streets & Parks’ Department during his decade of service, & further to express our City’s most heartfelt appreciation for his leadership & many substantial contributions that have helped establish our City as one of the very finest & most outstanding communities in West Virginia, while wishing him, his wife Emma Jean, their daughters, Jennifer Smith & Susie Tenney, & their grandchildren, Gavin, Clint, & Kloey- the very best during MELVIN’s much deserved retirement.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. McCAULEY, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power & authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim tomorrow, Wednesday, June 19, 2019 to be “MELVIN SMITH DAY” throughout our City of Buckhannon.
I further urge all of our community’s residents to join me, MELVIN SMITH’S family, our City Council, the members of our Streets & Parks’ Department, & all of our City employees in expressing their most heartfelt thanks & appreciation for MELVIN SMITH’S excellent service to our community & in wishing him the very best in his retirement. May MELVIN enjoy many happy years to come- camping, scroll sawing, woodworking, & playing with his beloved grandchildren!

Given under my hand & the official seal of
The City of Buckhannon, this 18th day of June, 2019
David W. McCauley, Mayor