City/ART26201 collaboration pays dividends with another $67,000 toward Colonial Theatre renovation

July 10, 2019
BUCKHANNON, WV: Last Friday, the City of Buckhannon received the good news that the Colonial Theatre renovation project will be awarded an additional $67,000 from the West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture, & History for the coming fiscal year. The collaborative project between ART26201, Buckhannon Community Theatre, and the City of Buckhannon will allow for Stockert Youth & Community Center to expand to include performing arts programming and education, as well as performance space for community arts organizations and touring works.
Mayor David McCauley noted, “Our City team is very pleased to be able to participate in this terrific restoration on a ‘pay as we go’ basis. There will be no debt looming over our community as we prepare to open the various phases of our theatre. Many of us are beyond excited for Buckhannon Community Theatre’s performance of Dracula at the end of October, when we will have fully functioning HVAC, restrooms, a lighting and sound booth, a concession stand, and many other accoutrements on our main, performing arts level.”
Built in 1924, the Colonial Theatre sits just across Main Street from Trader’s Alley, home to Lascaux MicroTheatre and many outdoor artworks and events. The alley leads to Jawbone Park, which features sculpture and is host to Festival Fridays and other seasonal performing arts. The Colonial Theatre on Main Street, Trader’s Alley, and Jawbone Park collectively form the Trader’s Alley Arts District, complete with ADA accessible sidewalks, parking, and amenities.
Naming opportunities for gallery and theatre spaces within the Colonial Theatre are still available. Interested businesses and individuals may donate to the Colonial Theatre’s fundraising campaign by calling City Hall at (304) 472-1651, or residents may set-up a recurring monthly contribution via their City utility payment. Follow this link for the automated enrollment form:
Patrons interested in presenting large gifts with naming recognition included should contact Mayor David McCauley through Buckhannon City Hall at (304) 472-1651 or kb saine at ART26201,
ART26201: kb saine, ART26201 Spokesperson,
City of Buckhannon: Callie Cronin Sams, Information Coordinator & Grant Writer,, (304) 472-1651