City to provide temporary 10-Minute Parking Spaces for Take-Out Customers to assist Main Street Restaurants during COVID-19

March 18, 2020
BUCKHANNON, WV: In an effort to assist our Main Street restaurants while aiding our citizenry, the City of Buckhannon is offering to identify parking spaces for 10-minute parking for take-out customers only. These Take-Out Parking Spaces will allow for better access to the restaurant for carryout meals and curbside pickup.
The City hopes that enjoying a meal from a favorite local restaurant, even if it must be taken elsewhere, will be a nice comfort for our citizens while we all work together to limit the spread of COVID-19.
The City recognizes that local restaurants and businesses anticipate fewer customers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the City wishes to assist as they make changes to adapt to the rapidly changing business environment.
If your business would like to request a 10-minute only parking space in front of your shop or restaurant, please call us at (304) 472-1651 and speak with Ammie Garman or fill out the online request form here or below.
Media: Callie Cronin Sams,, (304) 472-1651