David L. Waggy recognized by City of Buckhannon with Ambassador Award

Whereas, DAVID L. “DAVE” WAGGY, a lifelong Buckhannon resident, has very generously supported the ongoing capital campaigns for both our City’s Stockert Youth & Community Center & our Colonial Theatre projects contributing $2,500 to help advance our community’s realization of construction of the long-planned, new multi-use building at Stockert & restoration of the Colonial Theatre, both facilities bringing enormous value that will benefit the youth of our B-U community; &
Whereas, DAVE WAGGY has been a regular attendee of & contributor to our now annual Battle of the Bands event held during Fall Fest in the Colonial Theatre & has recognized the importance of establishing a performing arts venue for our young people to perform in Buckhannon; &
Whereas, DAVE WAGGY is a proud veteran having served as company commander of an aircraft maintenance company in Korea & is a proud member of our American Legion & VFW posts, also retiring from Corhart Refractories following 32 in management; &
Whereas, our Buckhannon-Upshur community appreciates & values the efforts, energy, & dedication of some of our finest residents & supporters, & wishes to honor & commend them in their continued, positive mission particularly supporting the youth of our community; &
Whereas, our City now desires to recognize DAVE WAGGY by bestowing upon him our City’s highest honor with the Ambassador’s Award.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. McCAULEY, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power & authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim Friday, November 22, 2019 to be “DAVE WAGGY DAY” throughout our City of Buckhannon.
To further memorialize DAVE WAGGY’S devotion to and affinity for our Buckhannon-Upshur community, I further now hereby bestow upon him, the Buckhannon Ambassador Award, becoming one of the very few recipients & honorees of this most prestigious award. Appropriately, I direct the installation of a permanent placard upon the “Ambassador’s Bench” on East Main Street in front of our City’s Stockert Center to permanently honor DAVE WAGGY, bearing the inscription-
Additionally, DAVE WAGGY shall be forever recognized upon the “Tree of Giving” in the entrance to our Stockert Youth & Community Center & in the lobby of our Colonial Theatre.
I further urge all our residents to greet our community’s most honored citizen, DAVE WAGGY, his family, friends, admirers & all members of our City government family on his special day.
Given under my hand & the official seal of
The City of Buckhannon, this 21st day of November, 2019,
David W. McCauley, Mayor