Dr. Jeffery Harvey Recognized as City Ambassador

Whereas, DR. JEFFERY HARVEY of Buckhannon has very generously supported our City & all of our Buckhannon-Upshur community with his excellent expertise rendered through his agency, JH Consulting, in emergency planning exercises as well as in assisting our City in Buckhannon’s ongoing efforts to achieve full, professional accreditation for both our Police & Fire Departments; &
Whereas, JEFF HARVEY further has conducted active shooter & other emergency drills & exercises for our Upshur County school system, West Virginia Wesleyan College, St. Joseph’s Hospital, & other public & private entities within & around Upshur County; &
Whereas, JEFF HARVEY is recognized statewide, regionally, nationally, & internationally for his acumen with emergency planning skills & training exercises, & as he travels about represents Buckhannon impeccably as a true & positive ambassador of our Buckhannon community; &
Whereas, with his unique education & extraordinary disciplinary focus in strategic & executive leadership in which DR. HARVEY earned his masters & doctoral degrees, while serving as planning officer for the Upshur County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management; &
Whereas, our Buckhannon-Upshur community appreciates & values the efforts, energy, & dedication of some of our finest residents & supporters, & wishes to honor & commend them in their continued, positive mission particularly supporting the safety of our community; &
Whereas, our City now desires to recognize DR. JEFF HARVEY by bestowing upon him our City’s highest honor with the Ambassador’s Award.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. McCAULEY, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power & authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim Thursday, December 19, 2019 to be “DR. JEFF HARVEY DAY” throughout our City of Buckhannon.
To further memorialize JEFF HARVEY’S devotion to and affinity for our Buckhannon-Upshur community, I further now hereby bestow upon him, the Buckhannon Ambassador Award, becoming one of the very few recipients & honorees of this most prestigious award. Appropriately, I direct the installation of a permanent placard upon the “Ambassador’s Bench” on East Main Street in front of our City’s Stockert Center to permanently honor DR. JEFF HARVEY, bearing the inscription-
I further urge all our residents to greet our community’s most honored citizen, JEFF HARVEY, his wife, Lori, friends, admirers, & all members of our City government family on his special day.
Given under my hand & the official seal of
The City of Buckhannon, this 19th day of December, 2019
David W. McCauley, Mayor