Fox’s Pizza, Caressa Chapman Recognized as City Ambassador for raising $1,700 for Stockert Youth & Community Center

June 18, 2019
Buckhannon City Council Meeting
Whereas, CARESSA CHAPMAN & FOX’S PIZZA OF BUCKHANNON conducted their pizza challenge during April of 2019 with a portion of pizza sales being dedicated to the Stockert Youth & Community Center’s capital campaign to realize construction of the long planned, new multi-use building at Stockert; &
Whereas, CARESSA CHAPMAN & FOX’S PIZZA OF BUCKHANNON recently raised about Seven Hundred Dollars ($1,700) toward the City’s Stockert Youth & Community Center’s Capital Campaign to assist in the realization of the new building at SYCC; &
Whereas, our Buckhannon-Upshur community appreciates & values the efforts, energy, & dedication of some of our finest residents & supporters & wishes to honor & commend them in their continued, positive mission particularly supporting the youth of our community; &
Whereas, our City now desires to recognize CARESSA CHAPMAN & FOX’S PIZZA OF BUCKHANNON by bestowing upon MS. CHAPMAN our City’s highest honor with the Ambassador’s Award.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. McCAULEY, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power & authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim Thursday, June 20, 2019 to be “CARESSA CHAPMAN & FOX’S PIZZA OF BUCKHANNON DAY” throughout our City of Buckhannon.
To further memorialize the CARESSA CHAPMAN’S devotion to and affinity for our Buckhannon-Upshur community, I further now hereby bestow upon her, the Buckhannon Ambassador Award, becoming one of the very few recipients & honorees of this most prestigious award. Appropriately, I direct the installation of a permanent placard upon the “Ambassador’s Bench” on East Main Street in front of our City’s Stockert Youth & Community Center to permanently honor CARESSA CHAPMAN & FOX’S PIZZA OF BUCKHANNON, bearing the inscription-
Additionally, CARESSA CHAPMAN & FOX’S PIZZA OF BUCKHANNON shall be forever recognized upon the “Tree of Giving,” in the entrance to our Stockert Youth & Community Center.
I further urge all of our residents to greet our community’s most honored citizen, CARESSA CHAPMAN, the members of her family, the employees of FOX’S PIZZA OF BUCKHANNON, along with their friends, & all members of our City government family during their special day.
Given under my hand & the official seal of
The City of Buckhannon, this 18th day of June, 2019
David W. McCauley, Mayor

Ms. Caressa Chapman
c/o Fox’s Pizza
Four Trader’s Alley & South Spring Street
Buckhannon, WV 26201
RE: Stockert Youth & Community Center
Dear Caressa:
Thank you so very much for your beyond generous $1,700 gift supporting the capital campaign to realize our new multi-use building at the Stockert Youth & Community Center. If more folks would step up to the plate as you have done, we could break ground very soon on this much needed and exciting project. You are a charter member of our Thousand Dollar Club, and I assure you- one way or another in the near future, this wonderful facility will come to fruition. As soon as we have you added to the Tree of Giving in the foyer at SYCC, I will invite you over to check it out!
As we edge closer to our ground-breaking, I will be in touch with you as we most assuredly would like your presence at this celebratory event. If I can ever be of service to you, Caressa, please don’t hesitate to call City Hall at (304) 472-1651. Again, on behalf of everyone associated with our City and Stockert facility, thanks so very much!
. Very truly yours,
David W. McCauley, Mayor
cc: Members of City Council
Members of Stockert Youth & Community Center Board
Debora Brockleman, SYCC Director
Amby Jenkins, City Finance & Administration Director
Jerry Arnold, City Public Works Director