Grant-funded Gateway West Project to connect East & West Main Streets, Create Magnificent Mile

January 15, 2020
BUCKHANNON: The City of Buckhannon plans to break ground this spring on phase two of the Gateway West Project. The City Streets & Parks Department crews will install ADA-compliant sidewalks and 28 period streetlights along West Main Street from the junction with Route 20 (at the Courthouse) to the western entrance to town on Route 33. The Upshur County Historical Museum, St. Joseph’s Hospital of WVU Medicine, numerous businesses, and the Riley Heights neighborhood will see improved pedestrian access thanks to the infrastructure improvements.
Once the Gateway West Project is complete, the City will boast more than an amazing mile from end to end of Main Street of beautifully-landscaped, ADA-compliant streetscape. The project is funded in large part (80%) by a grant from the West Virginia Division of Highways Transportation Alternatives Program, with the City Streets and Parks Department contributing the remaining 20% of the cost.
As part of the Elizabeth J. “Binky” Poundstone Riverwalk Trail System, the Gateway West Project connects downtown Main Street to Riverwalk, Jawbone and North Buckhannon Riverfront parks. The system as a whole creates a network of pedestrian sidewalks and bike-friendly trails for commuting, recreation, health, and business accessibility. These projects are aligned with the Complete Streets recommendations of the Buckhannon 2025 Plan.
The City of Buckhannon Streets & Parks Department maintains 26 miles of streets, 19 miles of sidewalks, seven parking lots, and the River Walk & River View trails, eclipsing 3,800,000 square feet of paved surface in streets and 400,000 square feet in sidewalks. This considerable infrastructure attracts residents, businesses, and tourists to the City, increasing quality of life and enhancing the local economic environment.
Media: Callie Cronin Sams,, (304) 472-1651