Jenkins Automotive Gives $25,000 to Stockert Youth & Community Center for Facility Expansion

July 30, 2019
BUCKHANNON, WV: Another member of the Buckhannon community has stepped up to bat for Stockert Youth & Community Center! Today, Jenkins Ford and Jenkins Subaru-Hyundai, collectively Jenkins Automotive, donated $25,000 toward the facility’s expansion so that it may better serve area youth through access to healthy recreation, educational and arts opportunities, and nutritional services.
Regarding their contribution, Jenkins Automotive president John Jenkins remarked, “The city of Buckhannon has been near and dear to my family and me for decades. Our family and business were built here. I have high hopes for our children in Upshur County–they are our future. The kids in our community are at the heart of our gift to the Stockert Youth & Community Center, which is such a valuable asset for improving children’s lives in our area.”
Mayor McCauley shared that, “John Jenkins and I have been friends since he arrived in Buckhannon more than 30 years ago. His great success in business was just as predictable as his gracious spirit of giving back to his community. This Jenkins family gift is the largest, private gift ever received by our City, and everyone associated with Stockert and our many youth programs are thrilled to add the Jenkins name to our growing list of substantial donors who are invested in realizing our new multi-use building at SYCC.”
The City of Buckhannon and Stockert Youth & Community Center remain grateful for all donations toward the new complex, including substantial gifts from the Minsker Family, Mike Ross, and Tim Critchfield and pledges from Buckhannon Rotary and the Thomas family.

Located on East Main Street in downtown Buckhannon, Stockert Youth & Community Center is conveniently located on the Elizabeth J. “Binky” Poundstone Trail System and is just a block away from the Colonial Theatre, which serves as the performing arts venue for Stockert. The center is also adjacent to Jawbone Park and the Public Safety Complex.

Stockert Youth & Community Center provides homework help and tutoring services for children in the afterschool program. The center also hosts Camp Buccaneer, a fun and educational summer camp serving approximately 100 Upshur County youth each year from June until school starts again in August. Both the afterschool and summer camp programs provide a snack and/or meal for participating youth, filling a critical need in an area where food insecurity is a real concern for some families. On average, 13,000 youth hours are realized every month at Stockert.
The expansion will allow Stockert Youth & Community Center to serve more area youth in the afterschool and summer programs, as they currently are limited by the building capacity limit. In addition, the new space will allow for an indoor walking track, additional gym space for the highly successful basketball program and other sports, as well as an area for additional events and fitness classes.
To donate to the SYCC capital campaign, call City Hall at (304) 472-1651 or go to:
Volunteers serve 1,000 hours on average each month at SYCC. You may also get involved by volunteering! For SYCC volunteer needs, call the Center at (304) 473-0145 or go to the Buckhannon Volunteer Center website at:

Whereas, the members of the JENKINS FAMILY have been excellent contributors to our high quality of life in Buckhannon for more than 30 years, being steadfast supporters of our B-U community in many ways, including our Upshur County schools, WV Wesleyan College, & most recently the City’s Stockert Youth & Community Center that they have very generously supported; &
Whereas, the JENKINS FAMILY through their business enterprises, JENKINS FORD & SUBARU-HYUNDAI, collectively JENKINS AUTOMOTIVE, is contributing the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) toward the City’s Stockert Youth & Community Center’s Capital Campaign to assist in the realization of the much needed new, multi-purpose building at SYCC constituting the largest, private gift ever received by our City to date for any project; &
Whereas, our Buckhannon-Upshur community appreciates & values the efforts, energy, & dedication of some of our finest residents & supporters & wishes to honor & commend them in their continued, positive mission particularly supporting the youth of our community; &
Whereas, our City now desires to recognize the members of the JENKINS FAMILY by bestowing upon them our City’s highest honor with the Ambassador’s Award.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. McCAULEY, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power & authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim Tuesday, July 30, 2019 to be “JENKINS FAMILY DAY” throughout our City of Buckhannon.
To further memorialize the JENKINS FAMILY’S devotion to and affinity for our Buckhannon-Upshur community, I further now hereby bestow upon them, the Buckhannon Ambassador Award, becoming one of the very few recipients & honorees of this most prestigious award. Appropriately, I direct the installation of a permanent placard upon the “Ambassador’s Bench” on East Main Street in front of our City’s Stockert Youth & Community Center to permanently honor the JENKINS FAMILY, bearing the inscription-
Additionally, the JENKINS FAMILY shall be forever recognized as our City’s only second platinum level contributor upon the SYCC Wall of Fame & the “Tree of Giving,” that recently was established in the entrance to our Stockert Youth & Community Center.
I further urge all of our residents to greet our community’s most honored citizens, the members of the JENKINS FAMILY, along with their friends, & all members of our City government family during their special day.
Given under my hand & the official seal of
The City of Buckhannon, this 30th day of July, 2019
David W. McCauley, Mayor