Join the Relay for Life of Upshur County in their quest to cure cancer with the American Cancer Society
June 28, 2019

Relay for Life of Upshur County
City of Buckhannon Proclamation
WHEREAS, the people of Upshur County have been affected by the devastating disease of cancer,
WHEREAS, Relay For Life is the signature activity of the American Cancer Society; and
WHEREAS, Relay For Life of Upshur County is not just a fundraiser, it is a unique activity that offers an opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer, to honor cancer survivors and remembers those lost to the disease, to build a network of businesses and health organizations to address community cancer issues, and to recruit new volunteers to deliver American Cancer Society programs and services; and
WHEREAS, Relay For Life of Upshur County has had a significant presence in our community for the last 22 years, has touched thousands of our residents, and has raised over $2.2 million to help fight the battle against cancer; and
WHEREAS, Relay For Life of Upshur County invites cancer survivors, their caregivers and the community to the 22nd annual Upshur County Relay for Life on July 20 at Jawbone Park with the theme Party Gras,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the City of Buckhannon, do hereby proclaim the month of July in the year 2019 as Relay For Life Month in Upshur County and urge individuals, families, businesses, schools, service organizations, churches, and neighbors to unite in the fight against cancer, to honor cancer survivors, and to remember those we have lost to cancer.
Given under our hands on this 27th day of June , 2019.
Randall H. Sanders
Recorder, City of Buckhannon