Lowe’s Of Buckhannon Helps With Mayfield, Kentucky Disaster Donations
December 20, 2021, BUCKHANNON, WV: This afternoon, Lowe’s of Buckhannon General Manager Cody McGee, and members of his Leadership Team, loaded up a pallet of supplies to add to the relief efforts that Buckhannon community member David Beckner has been coordinating for the citizens affected by the tornadoes that devastated western Kentucky on December 10th.
“When Mayor Skinner reached out to me about what Dave (Beckner) was doing, I thought it was a great thing for the community and for us to be able to give him the supplies that the citizens need down there,’ stated Mr. McGee. “Everything from hats and socks to cleaning supplies and trash bags, laundry detergent, anything they might need, we got it all together here to send down with him.”
The moment that Dave Beckner heard about the tragedies he felt compelled to help, and organized the collection for donations that he will personally be driving to Mayfield, Kentucky on Christmas Day. He noted that he first started this endeavor with toys for the kids at the forefront of his mind, as the tragedy struck right before Christmas, but it has quickly turned into a large-scale general relief mission. “It started out with one box trailer that turned into three box trailers, and now a semi-truck and trailer filled with supplies.”
Dave is taking donations in the lot across from Floyd Signs on Route 20, and will be accepting the final donations tomorrow, December 21st, from 8am-4pm. “While we are taking monetary donations, what’s most important are toys, clothes, pillows, air mattresses; stuff that they just don’t have.” He also stressed the importance of personal care items. “Dr. Malone dropped off cases of toothbrushes and toothpaste. We didn’t even think of that.”
When prompted about Lowe’s contribution, Cody (General Manager McGee) noted, “The things we [Lowe’s] do in the community of Buckhannon aim to help the community as a whole, and this is a great opportunity to give that to another community.” He went on to speak about some of his plans for community involvement, and things he has worked to build upon since becoming General Manager just over a year ago. “We have been involved with numerous things that I’m proud of, and that my leadership team is proud of. Everyone that works in this store is part of the community, and I know it impacts them as well when they see us reaching out into the community. It makes them feel good, it makes their families feel good, and it’s just something that we enjoy doing.”
Buckhannon Mayor Robbie Skinner was on hand and expressed his gratitude to those that are getting involved. “We thank David Beckner and his leadership in bringing our community together to help a community in need. Mayfield, Kentucky is a very small community, similar to Buckhannon, and I know that a lot of people here are interested in donating and being part of the recovery effort there because we know what it’s like.” He adds, “It makes me very proud that folks are stepping up to spread love to another area that is, quite frankly, in chaos, and provide a sense of security for those folks there. I think it is really important, and David and his team should be tremendously complimented for their efforts. To leave here on Christmas Day and sacrifice time with their families to go spend time with complete and total strangers; I believe that’s what we’re called to do, and I think it’s important that we commend them in their efforts of doing so.”
Mayor Skinner continued, “It makes me very proud to live in a community that cares and wants to give back. Folks that live in small towns are different. We know that we have less to work with than larger areas, so when tragedy strikes, we all get together and do a great job of giving back. We don’t have a lot to start with here, in Southern Appalachia, but I think it’s important that we show our neighbors our love through acts of service and gifts of supplies in time of need. Our community saw tremendous tragedy in 2016 when the floods ravaged through the southern part of our state. Other states, including Kentucky, came to our aid when we were in need, so I think it’s important for us to be good neighbors, and give what we have to them, especially this time of year with all that they’ve endured.”
Mayor Robbie Skinner and Lowe’s General Manager Cody McGee reminded all to take their boxed and labeled donations to Dave Beckner and his crew, tomorrow, December 21st between 8am and 4pm.