Madison Wamsley Receives Poundstone Memorial Scholarship

Photo taken by Katie Kuba of MyBuckhannon

Photo taken by Katie Kuba of MyBuckhannon.
August 8, 2020
WHEREAS, Elizabeth J. “Binky” Poundstone served the City of Buckhannon for 37 years in several capacities including as a member of the City Council, the longtime City Recorder & Treasurer, & Mayor; and,
WHEREAS, Mrs. Poundstone died while serving as our City’s Mayor on September 7, 2000, leaving a rich & selfless legacy of devoted public service to our City & further to the youth of our Buckhannon-Upshur community; and,
WHEREAS, Mrs. Poundstone’s family in 2008 proposed to the City Council that a family funded scholarship be established with Five Hundred Dollars ($500) to be awarded in August of each year in memory of Mrs. Poundstone to a deserving student seeking to attend college whose parent or other guardian or family member is or had been an employee of the City of Buckhannon, or which employee in their own right is seeking to further their own education through college attendance; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council considered & approved the award of the Poundstone Family Scholarship proposal during its regularly convened meeting of July 3, 2008, agreeing to the City’s participation in the annual scholarship application, review, & selection process; and,
WHEREAS, that process included the review & selection committee’s consideration of several, very well qualified applicants, with the committee determining that the 13th recipient of the annual Elizabeth J. “Binky” Poundstone Memorial Scholarship shall be MADISON WAMSLEY, of Buckhannon, being the daughter of longtime, City Water Department employee, JERRY WAMSLEY, and her mother, Amy, as well as the great niece of longtime City water superintendent & public works director, the late Harley Brown. MADISON has worked for two years as a summer employee for our Water Department; and,
WHEREAS, the Poundstone family & our entire City of Buckhannon family desire to formally recognize MADISON WAMSLEY & wish her the very best of luck as she begins her studies this fall as a freshman majoring in nursing at West Virginia Wesleyan College, while also serving as a “Service Scholar” at WVWC.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROBERT N. SKINNER, III, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power & authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim the 13th recipient of the annual Elizabeth J. “Binky” Poundstone Memorial Scholarship to be MADISON WAMSLEY. MS. WAMSLEY further shall be recognized in perpetuity as the recipient of this prestigious award through the inscription of her name upon a placard to be displayed in the main foyer of Buckhannon’s City Hall along with all past & future Poundstone Memorial Scholarship recipients.
Given under my hand & official seal of
The City of Buckhannon, this 6th day of August, 2020
Robert N. Skinner, III, Mayor
Media: Callie Cronin Sams, or (304) 472-1651