May is Mental Health Awareness Month

BUCKHANNON: Monday, members of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) visited Buckhannon City Hall to bring awareness to mental health conditions and treatment.
The DBSA state office is located here in Buckhannon at 61 Marion Street. They offer both peer one-to-one and group meetings.
Mental health problems are just like any other health condition, and can often be treated with therapy and medication. Reach out for help if you are feeling depressed.
Please visit their website to learn more:
West Virginia DBSA Chapters and Support Groups
State Organization
DBSA West Virginia
Contact 1: Diana Thompson
Phone: (304) 472-1947 or
One-On-One Peer Support: Every Monday – Friday from 11am to 2pm – 61 Marion Street, Buckhannon, WV
Call (304) 609-2662 for more information
Contact 1: Emily Moore
Buckhannon Support Group Meetings: Second and Fourth Monday of each month at 6:30pm – 61 Marion Street, Buckhannon, WV
WHEREAS, the mental health of every citizen is essential to the emotional and economic prosperity of our families, communities, and businesses in Buckhannon; and
WHEREAS, mental health is a key component of every individual’s overall physical health and emotional well-being; and
WHEREAS, mental illness affects people of all ages, races, ethnicities, and income levels in Buckhannon; and
WHEREAS, mental health conditions are not only common, they are treatable, and early and effective intervention can save lives and change the trajectories of people living with mental illness; and
WHEREAS, feelings of personal shame and fears of social stigma and discrimination prevent individuals living with mental illness from seeking help; and
WHEREAS, untreated mental illness leads to higher rates of emergency department visits, hospitalizations, school dropouts, substance abuse and suicides; and
WHEREAS, stigma can be reduced by increasing the awareness of mental illness and available resources for those living from mental health conditions; and
WHEREAS, we strive to create a community in Buckhannon that supports mental wellness by educating ourselves and our community about mental wellness and mental illness, and supporting our citizens as they seek to improve their mental health; and
WHEREAS, greater public awareness about mental wellness can positively transform attitudes about and towards people living with mental illness, making it easier for our citizens to seek help.
WHEREAS, during National Mental Health Awareness Month, we recognize the vital role mental health plays in the well-being of individuals and our City. We also reaffirm our commitment to dispelling stigma around mental illnesses and reassuring all individuals living with mental illnesses that they are not alone.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, David W. McCauley, Mayor of the City of Buckhannon, do hereby recognize the month of May, and throughout the year, let us work together to understand the importance of mental health. Let us recommit to making every effort to provide individuals living with mental illnesses the care they need. Mental health is not just an individual issue, but a community issue. The mental health of our citizens is critical to our City’s prosperity. Together, by focusing on and understanding these issues, we can reduce the effects of mental illnesses on our communities and enable all residents of Buckhannon to live healthy and productive lives.
David W. McCauley
Mayor, City of Buckhannon
Media: Callie Cronin Sams, or (304) 472-1651