National Hospice & Palliative Care Month

Left to Right: Stephanie Lane, Medical Social Worker, Tom Bailey, Account Executive, Mayor David McCauley, and Louellen Blake, Volunteer/Bereavement Coordinator
Office of the Mayor, City of Buckhannon
WHEREAS, hospice care provides humane and comforting support for terminally ill patients and their families, including pain control, palliative medical care, and social, emotional and spiritual services; and
WHEREAS, hospice fulfills basic human needs of feeling comfortable in familiar surroundings and of attaining physical and emotional peace during the last stage of life; and
WHEREAS, over 114,000 professionals and hundreds of thousands of volunteers (the equivalent of 56,000 full time employees) provide comforting and supportive hospice services to over 1.5 million patients and their families in an estimated 3,800 hospice programs throughout the United States; and
WHEREAS, there is a need to increase public discussion about advances in pain control and the care options available to individuals of all ages, races, and backgrounds who are at the end of life; and
WHEREAS, West Virginia Hospice has joined the Hospice Association of America and an estimated 3,800 hospice providers in declaring November 2019 as National Hospice Month and are calling on all Americans to observe this occasion with appropriate ceremonies and activities;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, David W. McCauley, Mayor of the City of Buckhannon, do hereby proclaim November 2019 as NATIONAL HOSPICE MONTH in the City of Buckhannon and encourage the support and participation of all citizens in learning more about the hospice concept of care for the elderly, disabled, and infirm.
Given under my hand & the official seal of
The City of Buckhannon, this 12th day of November, 2019
David W. McCauley, Mayor