Notice For Request For Bids For Skid Mounted Air Compressor
BUCKHANNON, WV: The Buckhannon Water Board will accept sealed bids for a Skid Mounted Air Compressor at City Hall at 70 East Main Street, Buckhannon, WV 26201 until 10:00 AM EST on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, at which time all bids which have been received shall be publicly opened and read aloud.
The minimum characteristics of the Skid Mounted Air Compressor to be provided by this bid are as follows:
• Diesel Rotary Screw
• Delivery 210cfm@100psig/150psig
• Operating Range 70-165psig
• Not to exceed 36” in with
• Min 74hp
• Air intake two-stage dry
• Cooling system oil to air
• Fuel tank capacity min. 25 gallons per hour usage dependent
• Maximum76 dba at 7 meters.
The bidder must provide the following items.
• Must provide documented 3 years of reputable sales and service, prior to bid.
• Combined bid price of skid-mounted air compressor delivered to Buckhannon Water Plant.
The bid sheet shall include specific identification of the equipment to include: 1) vendor, 2) manufacturer, 3) model, 4) year, and 5) list of special features. The bid sheet is to be signed by an authorized representative of the vendor.
• Product literature including basic specifications of the model skid-mounted air compressor being offered.
• Vendor financing available, including interest rate, monthly payment, and total cumulative payment for vendor financing over a 60-month term.
• Equipment warranty. Include calendar time, operating time, and components covered by warranty. Warranty must be for a minimum of 2 years, 2000 hours.
• Location of and distance from Buckhannon of closest full-service sales, parts, and service center for an equipment manufacturer.
• Name, location, and telephone number of three customers in West Virginia who have recently purchased a similar piece of equipment.
Bids are to be delivered in a sealed envelope marked:
Attention: Kelly W. Arnold, “Skid mounted air compressor Bid”
If there are any questions, please call Kelly W. Arnold at 304-472-2530 ext.1803.
The Buckhannon Water Board shall evaluate bids received based on price, financing, equipment specifications, operator satisfaction, service availability, and references. Buckhannon reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities.