On The City’s Calendar – April 8, 2024 through April 12, 2024
BUCKHANNON, WV: Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are open to the public and will be held in the Council Chambers of Buckhannon City Hall, 70 E Main St, Buckhannon, WV 26201.
Board meeting agendas can be found at https://buckhannonwv.org/about-the-city/board-agendas-and-minutes/
City Council meeting agendas can be found at https://buckhannonwv.org/about-the-city/city-council-minutes/
Thursday, April 11, 2024
*Special Time* Water Board Regular Meeting, 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm – To participate in the Water Board meeting virtually, you can join from your computer, tablet, or smartphone: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/234619757. You can also dial in using your phone – (872) 240-3212 – Access Code: 234-619-757
Special Water Board Meeting with the PSDs, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – To participate in this Special Water Board meeting virtually, you can join from your computer, tablet, or smartphone: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/234619757. You can also dial in using your phone – (872) 240-3212 – Access Code: 234-619-757
Friday, April 12, 2024
Bulky Goods Collection Begins at 5:30 AM – Bulky goods collection for large items such as couches, chairs, mattresses, appliances, etc. (All Buckhannon Waste Department customers are allowed 4 items per month and 8 tires per year.) You must call by Wednesday, April 10, 2024, to schedule a pick-up. Items must be at the curb by 5:30 a.m. on Friday to ensure pick-up.
The City of Buckhannon has been made aware of a traffic pattern change by the Upshur County Commission: Route 20 will be reduced to single-lane traffic in the area of the Upshur County Courthouse on Monday, April 8th.
The Upshur County Commission has contracted with Reclaim Company, LLC, to demolish the 3-story structure at 18 South Locust Street on Monday, April 8th, beginning at approximately 8:00 AM and continuing until 4:00 PM.
For public safety, the northbound lane of South Locust Street will be closed during the demolition process. Flaggers will be in place to alternate traffic flow. Chancery Street and the Franklin Street intersection at South Locust Street will also be closed due to the demolition. An alternate route northbound is South Kanawha Street to West Main Street. VIPS and CERT volunteers will assist with traffic flow during the closure. Weather or other unforeseen conditions may cause schedule changes.
Please note: The Upshur County Commission oversees this project, while the WVDOH controls the main roadway affected (Route 20). The City of Buckhannon is sharing this notice with our community on behalf of our colleagues at the Upshur County Commission. NIXLE alerts will be issued on Friday & Monday morning and be shown on the VIPS, CERT, and DHSEM Facebook pages.
News Releases
Free Residential Paper Shredding Event Announced – The Upshur County Solid Waste Authority is sponsoring a Free Paper Shredding Event (Residential Only) on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at 395 Mud Lick Rd. Buckhannon (across from the Transfer Station). Contact Director Belinda Lewis at (814) 327-5218 for more information.
Maryland Avenue Temporary Closure Announced – The City of Buckhannon Sanitary Department has closed Maryland Avenue to traffic as part of the Island Avenue Project. The street will be unavailable for an extended period. A detour is available to all properties in the area via Colorado Avenue and Anise Lane. Thank you for your patience as we continue upgrading the area’s sanitary system.
The Buckhannon Water Department Continues the Meade Street Project with Intermittent Street Closures -The Buckhannon City Water Department continues the work on Meade Street installing a new 6″ water line and fire hydrants, replacing the old 4” cast iron main currently in use.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this vital water line upgrade project.
Job Openings
City of Buckhannon Accepting Applications for the Position of One Seasonal Park Attendant – The City of Buckhannon Street Department is accepting applications for one seasonal Park Attendant to maintain and clean all City of Buckhannon-owned parks.
· Applicants must be 18 years of age or older
· Possess a valid WV driver’s license
· Able to lift 50 pounds
· Applicants are subject to a drug test and background check
· Must be willing to work split shifts and weekends
Applications may be obtained at City Hall, 70 E Main St, Buckhannon, WV, Mon-Fri, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The application deadline to City Hall is April 19, 2024, at 4:30 pm.
The successful candidate will commence employment on or about April 29, 2024, and continue until October 31, 2024.
The City of Buckhannon is an EEOC employer committed to equal opportunity for all qualified persons.
The City of Buckhannon Waste Collection Department is accepting applications for one full-time garbage truck collection helper.
Job Benefits and Compensation
- Hourly rate starts at $13.00 per hour, depending on the combination of education, skills, and qualifications.
- Full City benefits include insurance, retirement, sick, and vacation time.
- Annual work boot allowance
- Work clothing provided
Candidates must:
- Be 18 years of age or older.
- Driver must possess a valid WV driver’s license
- Possess a High School diploma or equivalent.
- Be in good physical condition. This job includes but is not limited to, lifting up to 50 pounds and climbing.
- Willing to work in inclement weather
Eligible candidates will be subject to a background check and drug test.
Applications may be obtained at City Hall, 70 E Main St, Buckhannon, WV, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or by calling 304-472-1651.
The City of Buckhannon is an EEOC employer committed to the principle of equal opportunity for all qualified persons.
Coming Attractions at the Colonial Arts Center:

Other Information:
Pay Utility Bills Online or by Phone – To make an online payment for your utility bill, click here: https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/buckhannonwv – To pay over the phone, call 1-866-933-4026. Even if you do not wish to pay your bill using this method, you may still want to set up an account, which will allow you to monitor your consumption. To sign up for this service, you will need to complete the online registration, which includes knowing your Utility Board Account Number (printed on your bill) and the last amount you paid. Once your account has been established, you must log in with the proper email and password.
Check the calendar on the City Website homepage for updates throughout the week. https://buckhannonwv.org/