On The City’s Calendar – June 10, 2024 through June 14, 2024
BUCKHANNON, WV: Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are open to the public and will be held in the Council Chambers of Buckhannon City Hall, 70 E Main St, Buckhannon, WV 26201.
Board meeting agendas can be found at https://buckhannonwv.org/about-the-city/board-agendas-and-minutes/
City Council meeting agendas can be found at https://buckhannonwv.org/about-the-city/city-council-minutes/
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Special Session of City Council of Buckhannon – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm – This is a special meeting of the City Council to interview candidates for the possible hire of a new Director of Public Works. Once the meeting opens, the Council will move into an Executive Session Per WV Code § 6-9A-4, which is closed to the public. After the Executive Session, only one item appears under Strategic Issues for Discussion and/or Vote, which is the Possible Hire of Position of Director of Public Works. There is no virtual link for this meeting.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Water Board Regular Meeting, 7:30 am – 8:30 am – To participate virtually, please join GoToMeeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/234619757. You can also dial in using your phone at (872) 240-3212 and use Access Code: 234-619-757
Waste Board Special Meeting, 9:00 am – To participate virtually, please join GoToMeeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone: https://meet.goto.com/382929125. You can also dial in using your phone at (669) 224-3412 and use Access Code: 382-929-125
Friday, June 14, 2024
Bulky Goods Collection Begins at 5:30 AM – Bulky goods collection for large items such as couches, chairs, mattresses, appliances, etc. (All Buckhannon Waste Department customers are allowed 4 items per month and 8 tires per year.) You must call by Wednesday, June 12, 2024, to schedule a pick-up. Items must be at the curb by 5:30 a.m. on Friday to ensure pick-up.
Other Information
Notice of the City Council meetings scheduled for June & July – The City Council will next meet on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 7:00 PM (due to the June 20th holiday) and Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 7:00 PM (merging both of July’s meetings due to the 4th of July holiday).
Notice of the Sanitary Board meeting scheduled for June – Due to the June 20th holiday, The Sanitary Board will meet on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at its regular time of 7:30 AM.
Almost Heaven BBQ Bash – The 2024 BBQ Bash will be held June 13-15 at Jawbone Park in downtown Buckhannon, WV. It will again feature some of the top-rated KCBS teams in the United States preparing chicken, ribs, pork, and brisket for judging. There will also be a WV Backyard BBQ Competition, area artists and crafters, BBQ and other delicious food vendors, family activities, and much more! To read their latest news release, go to https://buckhannonwv.org/14564-2/. The City of Buckhannon is a proud sponsor of the 2024 Almost Heaven BBQ Bash.

Annual Stakeholder meeting of the Appalachian Forest National Heritage Area (AFNHA) to be held in Buckhannon – The meeting will be held at the Colonial Arts Center in Buckhannon on June 18, 2024. Registration is required to join them for their annual Stakeholder meeting to learn how AFNHA can support you and how you can network with partners across the AFNHA. This is their annual public meeting to meet new regional partners, share about the AFNHA programs, and hear how they can help each other. The day will include an informational presentation from AFNHA, breakout discussion groups, and a “partner panel” of presentations from some local organizations. The event is free to attend. Registration and a draft agenda are available at: https://www.appalachianforestnha.org/news-archives/stakeholder-meeting-2024?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR01TWNlOYDjJKG6E-i67ciX1hHyZLaTg2B9MA3Ul1dl4UEFNAzqgb9XHQo_aem_AQwrdIRddrKHOyiYUSaW56fLIkCz7q5csEBdTw51WGPKbTFyqooMU9H3onGHjjbIa_sRilj1FmNzGPAUQOfxVnBX
Pay Utility Bills Online or by Phone – To make an online payment for your utility bill, click here: https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/buckhannonwv – To pay over the phone, call 1-866-933-4026. Even if you do not wish to pay your bill using this method, you may still want to set up an account, which will allow you to monitor your consumption. To sign up for this service, you will need to complete the online registration, which includes knowing your Utility Board Account Number (printed on your bill) and the last amount you paid. Once your account has been established, you must log in with the proper email and password.
Reporting a Necessary Repair or Registering a Concern with the City – To report a necessary repair, such as potholes, damaged street signs, an issue in a city park, etc., or any other matter that a city department should attend to, call City Hall during regular business hours and ask to submit a work order request. This will speed up the reaction time to a matter that needs immediate attention.
Check the calendar on the City Website homepage for updates throughout the week. https://buckhannonwv.org/