Order & Notice of Special Election for Continuation of the Charles Gibson Public Library Excess Levy

That at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Buckhannon, State of West Virginia, held on December 19, 2019 as provided by law, the following order was made and entered of record, to wit:
The Council of the City of Buckhannon being of the opinion that the maximum levies for current expenses authorized by Article 8, Chapter 11, of the Code of West Virginia, as amended, will not provide sufficient funds for the payment of current expenses of the Charles Gibson Public Library, including expenditures for the purpose or purposes hereinafter set forth, and that an election should be held to continue such levies under the provisions of Section 16, Article 8, Chapter 11 of the Code , as amended, it is hereby ordered:
The purposes for which additional funds are needed is to equip, maintain and operate the CHARLES GIBSON PUBLIC LIBRARY.
That the approximate annual amount for each purpose after a 3.5% allowance for discounts, delinquencies, exonerations and uncollectible taxes is $106,674.
That the separate and aggregate assessed valuation of each class of property within the City of Buckhannon is:
Class I $ 0.0
Class II $ 72,652,766
Class IV $147,864,901
That the proposed additional rate of levy in cents per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on each class of property is:
Class I property 1.5 cents
Class II property 3 cents
Class IV property 6 cents
That the proposed years to which the additional levy shall apply are fiscal years beginning July 1, 2021; July 1, 2022; July 1, 2023; July 1, 2024; July 1, 2025 for the purpose of equipping, maintaining and operating the CHARLES GIBSON PUBLIC LIBRARY.
That the City of Buckhannon will not issue bonds upon approval of the proposed levy.
That in the event the Charles Gibson Public Library would cease operation, the Buckhannon City Council would determine expenditure of levy funds.
The question of such additional levy shall be submitted to a vote at a General Election to be held on June 9, 2020.
That notice calling such election shall be given by the publication of this order at least once each week for two successive weeks before said election is held. All the provisions of the laws concerning general elections shall apply as far as they are practicable, except that a separate ballot shall be used at such election when held in connection with any other election.
That the ballot to be used at such election shall be the following form:
City of Buckhannon
Official Levy Ballot
Charles Gibson Public Library
Special election to authorize the continuation of levies for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2021; July 1, 2022; July 1, 2023; July 1, 2024 and July 1, 2025 for the purpose of equipping, maintaining and operating the CHARLES GIBSON PUBLIC LIBRARY according to the order of the Council of the City of Buckhannon entered the 19th day of December, 2019.
That the proposed additional rate of levy in cents per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on each class of property is:
Class I property 1.5 cents
Class II property 3 cents
Class IV property 6 cents
In the event the separate and aggregate assessed value of each class of taxable property within the City of Buckhannon increases during the term of the special excess levy, the levy rate shall be reduced so that the projected tax collection will not exceed $106,674 in any fiscal year.
( ) For the Levies
() Against the Levies
Instruction to voters: To vote in favor of the excess levies, mark in the box before the words. “For the Levies” To vote against the excess levies, mark in the box before the words “Against the Levies”