Reger’s resignation accepted by City Council; Timeline for replacement approved

May 3, 2019
BUCKHANNON: At the close of Thursday’s City Council meeting, Colin Reger tendered his resignation from the position of City Recorder citing health, work, and family matters.
Regretfully, the mayor and attending council members accepted his resignation, noting that they did not wish to see him go and thanking him for his service to the city over the past year.
The City Council immediately took action to fill the post, approving a timeline for appointing a replacement as quickly as possible. Please see the timeline, a statement from Mayor McCauley, and Reger’s resignation letter below.
May 2, 2019
- Approval of time table by City Council – Thursday, May 2, 2019 Council meeting
- Delivery of Notice of Appointed Position of City Recorder to Record Delta, InterMountain, & MyBuckhannon newspapers/electronic journals – Friday, May 10
- Advertise in newspapers as Class II legal ad, on consecutive Wednesdays, May 15 & 22
- Deadline for letters of interest & other application materials is Saturday, May 25, either hand delivered to mayor if hand delivered or postmarked by midnight on May 25
- Special Council meeting to review all applications on Tuesday, May 28 at 6:00 p.m. & to determine applicants to be interviewed – executive session
- Special Council meeting to conduct interviews on Tuesday, June 4 at 6:00 p.m. – executive session
- Motion, announcement of appointment, & swearing in of new City Recorder at outset of meeting on Thursday, June 6 at 7:00 p.m., possible executive session before open session
- Thursday, June 6 – new City Recorder begins service
NOTE: The appointed City Recorder will serve until the May 2020 election (May 5, 2020) is certified (app. May 15, 2020). The successful candidate during the May 2020 election shall serve the remainder of the term for the city recorder position elected in 2018, i.e., until June 30, 2022.
About 5:00 p.m. this afternoon, Colin Reger informed me of his intention to resign as our City Recorder effective immediately after this evening’s City Council meeting. Colin is a dear friend, & I encouraged him, okay I begged him- to reconsider his resignation, or at least delay it. His decision left me speechless, and that’s saying something to shut me up. I believe that this body and this organization that we all love and support- are better as a consequence of his year of service as our City Recorder.
We haven’t agreed on every issue that has come before this Council, nor do I always agree with the other members of this body on the difficult and sometimes contentious matters that come before us. But let there be no doubt, that there is value in disagreement, and in the process of considering perspectives that vary from our own.
I wish my friend the very best, and that Colin
Mayor David McCauley

Media: Callie Cronin Sams at or (304) 472-1651 ext. 1052