The Elks are the BEST!; Fraternal organization receives City volunteer appreciation award for October

Left to Right: Beth Waddell, Rose Clutter, Michael Livesay, Mayor David McCauley, Donna Matthews, Jerry Wilfong, and Charles Washington
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Buckhannon resolved during its regular meeting of October 18, 2018, to honor residents of our Buckhannon-Upshur community who perform extraordinary service while embracing the kind & giving spirit of volunteerism; and,
WHEREAS, Buckhannon has long championed community service & has recognized persons who have given selflessly for the benefit of our City’s Fire Department, Stockert Youth & Community Center, & Police Department, but had not until recently- formally recognized others who generally perform many other acts of service & kindness; and,
WHEREAS, with the 2018 establishment of our Buckhannon Volunteer Center, the City deemed it to be reasonable & appropriate to henceforth recognize our community’s most giving volunteers with previous honorees of the Buckhannon Exemplary Service Testimonial (BEST) Award being Amanda Hayes, Zachary Mutchler, Robin Keough, Shirley Tinney, Bill Nicholson, Dr. Joseph Reed, Dr. Paul Richter, April Keating, Brad & Kim Lincecome, Dr. Kathy Gregg, Stan Rexroad, & Rich Clemens.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. McCAULEY, as MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power & authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim as our City’s 13th recipient, but first organizational recipient of our Buckhannon Exemplary Service Testimonial (BEST) Award for October of 2019 to be THE BUCKHANNON ELKS LODGE #1736. The BUCKHANNON ELKS have contributed $2,250 toward our Stockert Youth & Community Center’s capital campaign during the past two years alone. The ELKS regularly conduct canned food drives for our Buckhannon Parish House, support the various schools of Upshur County’s backpack programs, sponsor the ELKS’ Youth Recognition Program, & sponsor veterans for Honor Flights among their many community causes. THE BUCKHANNON ELKS support all things “community.” Simply stated, our BUCKHANNON ELKS LODGE #1736 has helped us all in our B-U community to be better & happier in many ways. I direct the establishment of our City’s new BEST bench & installation of a permanent placard in Jawbone Park to forever honor & recognize BUCKHANNON ELKS LODGE #1736 & all past & future honorees of our City’s BEST award.
I further urge all residents to join our City’s most honored guests, the members of BUCKHANNON ELKS LODGE #1736, their friends & admirers, & me, along with all members of our City government family during our public ceremony to be conducted at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 3, 2019 as we honor our City’s 13th recipient of our BEST award. We all wish the BUCKHANNON ELKS members the very best as they continue to work hard for our B-U community. May every resident be mindful of the importance of community service & giving of one’s self & be inspired to give selflessly for the benefit of others as we pay tribute to the many substantial contributions of our exceptional volunteers including the 13th recipient of our City’s BEST Award, the members of BUCKHANNON ELKS LODGE #1736.
Given under my hand & official seal of The City of Buckhannon
This 3rd day of October, 2019.
David W. McCauley, Mayor