U.S. Marine Corps Camp Lejeune Base Motor Transport 3rd Platoon Day

Whereas, the United States Marine Corps was established on November 10, 1775, & our Marines have protected our citizens & guarded our freedoms for nearly 244 years now; &
Whereas, through their superb skills & dedicated support from the Camp Lejeune Base Motor Transport Third Platoon, First Battalion, the officers & enlisted men & women have steadfastly proven highly successful in carrying out integrated land, sea, & air operations, &
Whereas, all past & current members of our U.S. Marine Corps deserve the universal respect, gratitude, & admiration of all Americans for their selfless service & sacrifice; &
Whereas, Buckhannon’s observance of recognizing the Camp Lejeune Base Motor Transport’s Third Platoon of our U.S. Marine Corps brings to the forefront the courageous deeds of Marines throughout West Virginia & our great nation, while honoring the legacy of valor & distinction exhibited by Marines throughout our history; &
Whereas, the Third Platoon celebrates reunions among their ranks every summer, & Buckhannon is honored to host this year’s reunion of our most honored guests including this year’s attendees- Victor Wilson, Kermit Mossor, Dale Cunningham, Lester Hoffman, John Ramsey, Robert Parrish, Blain Gale, Elmer Hertz, Robert Malik, & Buckhannon-Upshur’s own, John Carr, III, all Marine veterans & alumni of the great military fraternity, the United States Marine Corps; &
Whereas, our B-U community is ever mindful of the service of all of our veterans of military service & shall always honor their sacrifice in allowing us all to enjoy the greatest freedoms & liberties of any nation in our world’s history, & our City is committed to continuing its several programs recognizing all of our veterans, including through sponsorship of our Walk of Valor & our Flags for the Fallen programs.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. McCAULEY, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON, pursuant to the power & authority duly vested in me, do hereby proclaim Friday, July 12, 2019 to be “CAMP LEJEUNE BASE MOTOR TRANSPORT THIRD PLATOON DAY” throughout our City of Buckhannon.
I further urge all of our residents & attendees of our Festival Friday crowd to greet & congratulate all members of our most honored MARINES, along with their spouses, family members, & friends during their most special day on Friday, July 12, 2019. Semper Fi!
Given under my hand & the official seal of The City of Buckhannon,
this 12th day of July, 2019,
David W. McCauley, Mayor