July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021, BUCKHANNON, WV: A date change for the August citywide yard debris collection has been announced with the new date being Friday, August 13, 2021. All city residents are urged to plan accordingly.
July 19, 2021
July 19, 2021, BUCKHANNON, WV: Main Street closes for only the finest in entertainment value and there is no group that provides that any better than the organizers of the Blast From The Blast Car…
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021, BUCKHANNON, WV: The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA®), was created in 1979 as a credentialing authority through the joint efforts of law enforcement’s major executive associations. The CALEA…
July 15, 2021
July 15, 2021, BUCKHANNON, WV: Buckhannon & Weston is happy to host WV’s Largest Yard Sale! For event details, please visit the Upshur County Convention & Visitors Bureau website: https://visitbuckhannon.org/yardsale
July 7, 2021
July 7, 2021, BUCKHANNON WV: The City of Buckhannon Waste Collection Department is accepting applications until Friday, July 23, 2021, for the position of full-time laborer/truck driver. Benefits include health insurance and participation in the…
July 7, 2021
July 7, 2021, BUCKHANNON, WV: The City of Buckhannon Water Department is accepting applications until July 30, 2021, for the position of full-time laborer. Benefits include health insurance and participation in the Public Employee Retirement…
July 2, 2021
July 2, 2021, BUCKHANNON, WV: The City of Buckhannon thanks all who joined in as a community to kick off the 4th of July 2021 weekend with a successful Festival Fridays ( even with the…