News & Announcements
May 16, 2018
May 15, 2018 As Dr. Susan Aloi concludes her nearly 20 months of service as our City Recorder this Friday afternoon when we’ll swear in Colin Reger as our new City Recorder, I’d like to…
May 16, 2018
STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL – MAYOR GREETINGS AT COURTHOUSE WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 2018 Good afternoon & greetings from City Hall. On behalf of our entire City Council and our 85 fulltime employees, I’m honored as always to…
May 11, 2018
May 11, 2018 During the upcoming Strawberry Festival and parades, please remember to safely arrange chairs for parade viewing, being mindful to allow room for pedestrians to travel the parade route as well. Please do not…
May 9, 2018
West Virginia Strawberry Festival Event Schedule 2018 Pre – Festival Events April 7th Saturday Jr Royalty Pageant | WVWC Performing Arts Center April 8th Sunday Queen / Teen Pageant | WVWC Performing Arts Center April…
May 9, 2018
May 7, 2018 Proclamation National Hospital and Nurses’ Week Whereas, The City of Buckhannon is pleased to salute St. Joseph’s Hospital as it celebrates National Hospital Week and National Nurses’ Week. Whereas, National Hospital Week…
May 9, 2018
West Virginia Strawberry Festival, May 12 – 20, 2018 Dear 2018 Strawberry Festival attendees: On behalf of our entire City of Buckhannon family including our 85 dedicated employees who are here to serve, I bring…
May 7, 2018
Downtown Buckhannon Parking during the West Virginia Strawberry Festival May 7, 2018 During Festival week (May 12 -20th), the West Virginia Strawberry Festival Association has requested the use of the following: Lot 2 – Across…
May 7, 2018
Campbell selected for Buckhannon Volunteer Center Coordinator role; Center will promote volunteer opportunities with the City and community organizations May 7, 2018 BUCKHANNON, WV: On Thursday, the Buckhannon City Council voted to hire Sarah Campbell…
May 4, 2018
May 3, 2018 MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION Whereas, longtime Buckhannon-Upshur resident WILLIAM DAVID “BILL” HAMILTON has been an excellent contributor to our high quality of life in Buckhannon for decades, being a steadfast supporter of our City…
May 1, 2018
Special Olympians make City of Buckhannon shine; volunteers clean up Jawbone Park and Stockert Youth & Community Center grounds May 1, 2018 BUCKHANNON, WV: On an overcast Thursday afternoon, eleven Special Olympians and volunteers, parents,…