City, Channel 3 partner to offer Live Stream of City Council meetings; Public is encouraged to Participate Remotely

March 18, 2020
Updated at 5:02 p.m. to correct the web address for the live stream.
BUCKHANNON, WV: To encourage social distancing while providing transparent access to City business, the City and Channel 3 will be live streaming City Council meetings, beginning this Thursday. You may view the live stream here: and past City Council meetings at the Channel 3 YouTube channel here:
The public is encouraged to participate in the meeting by watching online and submitting comments and questions in advance or following the meeting. All written comments will be shared with the members of Buckhannon City Council.
Additionally, you may send emails to during the meeting and Callie Cronin Sams, Information Coordinator, will pass these to City Council if relevant to the topic being discussed. A full name, address indicating whether you are a City resident, email address or phone number must be included with the submitted comments. The Information Coordinator will not be monitoring comments on social media or on the Channel 3 YouTube channel.
Monday, we asked residents and businesses to conduct City business online or by phone if at all possible, rather than coming to City Hall in person. By providing access to City Council meetings online, we hope to further decrease the number of visitors to City Hall and the chance for the COVID-19 virus to spread as it enters our region.
For more information on local actions in preparing and mitigating against the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit our new page dedicated to the outbreak:
Media: Callie Cronin Sams,, (304) 472-1651