Donate to SYCC

(updated March 30, 2021)
1) Platinum Club = $15,000+
2) Gold Club = $5000 – $14,999
3) Silver Club = $1,000 – $4,999
4) Bronze Club = $500 – $999
5) Copper Club = $100 – $499
6) Red Club = $25 – $99
7) Contributor = $1 – $24.99
All “Club” members will be recognized in our SYCC foyer
A history of the Stockert Youth and Community Center
Joyce Stockert, a longtime Buckhannon resident, died on March 16, 1994, bequeathed most of her estate to establish a youth center for the children of our community.
The Upshur County Commission operated our youth center for about the first 10 years, and the City of Buckhannon has owned and managed it for the past 17 years now at the former East Main Street School that is located between City Hall and our Public Safety Complex. For many years, it’s been a dream to build a new, full-sized, multi-use space that would be at least as big as a full-sized gymnasium. In December 2017, a capital campaign was launched, revitalizing an effort that had been dormant for years. To date, about $480,000 has been realized in gifts and pledges toward construction of our new facility to be built immediately adjacent to the existing Stockert Youth and Community Center.
Our most substantial, financial supporters to date include Citizens Bank $100,000, Jenkins Ford and Jenkins Subaru-Hyundai, (collectively Jenkins Automotive) $25,000, Buckhannon Toyota & the Minsker family ($20,000), and Mike Ross, Tim Critchfield, & Weyerhaeuser ($10,000 each). Dave Thomas has pledged $12,000 and the Buckhannon Rotary has pledged $10,000. Several other donors have contributed $1,000 to $2,000, but most of our gifts are more modest in amount.
The many diverse activities occurring at SYCC every day are simply amazing. On average, 13,000 youth hours are realized every month at Stockert, and 1,000 volunteer hours are invested monthly as well. After school programs provide safety for many of our kids during the school year. Children receive tutoring to assist them with their studies, but also receive a snack, and can play on the playground or just watch television while being supervised by adults. During summers, Stockert hosts Camp Buccaneer and our children participate in a host of educational and recreational activities while being bussed to the high school swimming pool several times weekly.
Stockert hosts basketball, martial arts, zumba, wrestling, and serves as a primary sign-up venue for virtually all things kids- Youth Soccer, Little League, Pop Warner football, cheerleading, and the list goes on and on. The award winning drill team which was Stockert’s very first program features about a hundred participants who proudly appear in parades throughout our region. SYCC is available for birthday parties, and baby and bridal showers. There truly is something for everyone at Stockert!
The City has invested in restoring a small fleet of busses to bring kids to SYCC after school, as well as transporting them in parades, to field trips, and transporting Camp Buccaneer attendees to the pool during summer. Soon when the Colonial Theatre is restored, our children will have many new opportunities to participate in the arts experiencing an array of activities such as a choral group, dance, theatre, instrumental lessons, puppetry, moviemaking, graphic arts, photography, and many other activities.
We like to think that Joyce Stockert would be pleased with how SYCC has grown and evolved during the nearly 27 years of SYCC’s operation to benefit our children, but our facility doesn’t stop there. In 2018, the City approved the name change to Stockert Youth and Community Center- to expand the mission of SYCC to provide space for programs for adults, such as the adult basketball leagues, and for senior citizen programs. The new facility will be well-suited for concerts, inclement weather location for Festival Fridays, classic car shows, & various fairs and events held throughout the year.
Like so many projects, funding is necessary to realize our new facility so that our many programs may be expanded. You can help! Attached is a chart showing the various gift levels and the recognition that will be accorded to donors depending upon their gifts. Additionally, you may contribute a monthly amount that will appear upon your monthly, utility bill. Again, no gift is too small! Every dollar contributed will be applied to our new building. During 2019, we celebrated the silver anniversary of Stockert with monthly events.
On behalf of everyone associated with our Stockert Youth and Community Center, and the City of Buckhannon, thank you so much for considering a gift to our SYCC capital campaign. Your gifts are tax deductible. If you have any questions about our campaign, please contact City Hall at (304) 472-1651.
Stockert Youth & Community Center Giving Tree
Platinum Club = $15,000+ or 715 or more volunteer hours
Gold Club = $5,000+ or 238 or more volunteer hours
Silver Club = $1,000+ or 48 or more volunteer hours
Bronze Club = $500+ or 24 or more volunteer hours
Copper Club = $100+ or 5 or more volunteer hours
Red Club = $25, or 1 or more volunteer hours
Contributor = $1 +
Volunteer hours must be tracked by Stockert Youth & Community Center or Buckhannon Volunteer Center at
Stockert Youth & Community Center needs a larger, multi-purpose auditorium for sports and community events. Follow this link to the GoFundMe page to make a donation if you are able. You may also set up a recurring monthly donation via your utility payment. Use this form to get started: Monthly Recurring Gift Form
Read on below for updates on the fundraising campaign, and about the challenge from Mike Ross, $10,000 donation match from Tim Critchfield, and $1,000 donation from David L. Waggy. Thanks to all who donate–donations of any size are appreciated!
Buckhannon Toyota donated $20,000 to the campaign on Friday, October 12–thank you, Buckhannon Toyota!!

SYCC fundraising campaign sees boost from recent contributions & Elimination Dinner
October 15, 2018
Stockert Youth & Community Center (SYCC) provides crucial services for area youth and families, including afterschool care and tutoring for local students, summer camp, and meeting rooms for community support groups. Youth and adults alike participate in sports, fitness, and art classes at SYCC. Having outgrown the current space, a campaign is ongoing to raise money for an expanded multipurpose facility that will be used for athletics, recreation, and events. On Friday, the campaign received a huge boost from Buckhannon Toyota and the proceeds from the evening’s Elimination Dinner. Combined, these contributions totaled more than $30,000 bringing the campaign total to close to $230,000.
Buckhannon Toyota, led by Jason Minsker, donated $20,000 to Stockert Youth & Community Center for the new facility. This is the largest donation that SYCC, or the City, has ever received. Meanwhile, the Buckhannon Elks Club gave $1,250 and Buckhannon Moose Club donated $1,500 recently. The Hodgesville Lions Club, Tennerton Lions Club, and Mr. Frank Beckner also made contributions.
Friday evening, the SYCC elimination dinner netted close to $10,000 through ticket sales, raffles, and auction items. Thank you so much to all who contributed an item for auction or raffle, and to everyone who attended, enjoyed a nice meal, and bid on the fun items. We also would like to send a big thank you to all of the volunteers and staff who helped put on the event.
You may also get involved by volunteering! For SYCC volunteer needs, call the Center at (304) 473-0145 or go to the Buckhannon Volunteer Center website at:
Mayor’s Fitness Challenge!
The Mayor is down 13 pounds since February 16th, while Mike Cozad of ACP is down 4 lbs. The Mayor is taking pledges of a dollar (or more) for every pound lost, a penny for every step taken, and a dime for every sit-up performed on June 29th, his birthday! Mike Cozad of ACP stepped up and joined the challenge, pledging a $5 for every pound he loses, plus $5 more for every additional pound that the Mayor loses. Great job guys–keep up the hard work!

Mike Ross Proclamation March 15, 2018
Tim Critchfield Proclamation March 15, 2018
Donate Here:
Stockert Youth Center GoFundMe

Mike Ross to community: “Make an investment” in our youth;
Donates $10,000 for Stockert Youth Center expansion
January 19, 2018
BUCKHANNON, WV: Mike Ross has a challenge for others in the community who are able to donate to the Stockert Youth Center expansion project: donate now, and he will match each donation up to $10,000.
On Friday, Mr. Ross joined Debora Brockleman, Executive Director of Stockert Youth Center, Don Nestor, Stockert Youth Center Board of Directors member, Troy “Buddy” Brady, Upshur County Commissioner and Stockert Board of Directors member, and Mayor David McCauley of the City of Buckhannon, at Stockert Youth Center to present a check for $10,000 for the much-needed expansion. But, there is a catch: his dollars must be matched by other contributions; hence, the challenge to other donors to join the fundraising campaign.
Brockleman noted that the existing facility is heavily used by a wide variety of groups and a larger space is necessary to better serve the community. Basketball, karate, tumbling, yoga, dance, zumba, kickboxing and drill teams all use the facility regularly for practice, classes and competitions.
The center is also utilized during special events, such as the West Virginia Strawberry Festival, Children’s Festival, and Fall Fest. Craft shows and art exhibitions have also displayed in the facility. However, the current space is much too small to house larger events and sports games. Therefore, the Stockert Youth Center Board of Directors plans to create a larger, multi-purpose auditorium, but funding is needed. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated.
To donate, please call (304) 472-1651 and ask for Amby Jenkins or go to the GoFundMe page online by following this link: .