News & Announcements
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020 BUCKHANNON: The City of Buckhannon Sewer Department has temporarily closed Henry Street from West Lincoln Street to Meadow Street to conduct maintenance and repairs. Then, for the following 1-3 days, that section…
May 17, 2020
Mayor David McCauley remarks at Golden Horseshoe Day Thursday, May 14, 2020, 2:00 p.m. – Jawbone Park, Buckhannon, WV Good afternoon, it’s my great honor & privilege to participate in this afternoon’s ceremony honoring our…
May 13, 2020
POLICE OFFICER WEEK MAYOR McCAULEY REMARKS WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2020 – 11:50 A.M. – PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX Good morning & greetings from City Hall. On behalf of our entire City Council, 90 fulltime employees, &…
May 8, 2020
May 8, 2020 Download the report as a PDF here:
May 8, 2020
MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the celebration of childcare providers was first observed in New Jersey in 1996 recognizing the service & immense contributions of childcare providers, teachers, & youth educators to our society & throughout our…
May 7, 2020
CITY OF BUCKHANNON – MAYOR’S STATEMENT– PANDEMIC, COVID-19 VIRUS May 7, 2020 Good evening. There are some hopeful signs for our world & our B-U community. “Things” -are slowly starting to come back. Perhaps symbolically…
May 5, 2020
May 5, 2020 BUCKHANNON, WV: While our community may not currently be able to gather at Stockert Youth & Community Center, the center’s board of directors continues to work toward the construction of the new…
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020 BUCKHANNON, WV: Monday, Governor Jim Justice’s Office released West Virginia’s plan for re-opening the economy while mitigating against the spread of COVID-19. The slides below were shared during the presentation and provide…
April 24, 2020
Mayor David McCauley remarks on National Arbor Day – Friday, April 24, 2020 On behalf of our City of Buckhannon, I’m pleased yet again to bring greetings as today we celebrate National Arbor Day. On…
April 22, 2020
MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the celebration of Earth Day was first proposed in 1969 by peace activist, John McConnell, with a second proposal advanced by the late, former U.S. Senator, Gaylord Nelson, with the first Earth…